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GameCube Controller: Your Buying Guide

Choosing gaming controllers can become quite a challenge. Even experienced gamers take their time to explore the offered variety and compare their pros and cons. Yet, one of the most popular choices is GameCube controllers. They come in various shades/models, etc. and this isn’t the only reason for their popularity. Let’s find out more about the best GameCube controllers and discuss if it’s worth buying them.

Top 5 things to pay attention to when choosing a GameCube controller

While there can be lots of things you compare and desire, there are some main characteristics you need to account for.

First of all, it’s compatibility. A good controller is the one that can work with your gaming console. The installation process should be quick and easy. Look for options that do not require the installation of special programs or the purchase of additional accessories. The truth is that the best controller is the one you turn on and are good to go. Compatibility also presupposes you know the type of connectors.

Another aspect you must take into account is comfort. The best controller must be easy to use. Evaluate the design but make sure it’s convenient to hold the device. The surface should be smooth but non-slippery.

The third factor you need to check is the ergonomics. It’s similar to comfort as you need to double-check your hands won’t be tired fast. All fingers need to feel comfortable. Some models offer ergonomics as the main feature while others are made with a comfortable feel.

A great peculiarity of GameCube controllers is durability. Before making a purchase, think about how durable the model is. Sometimes it’s worth paying a bit more to get the best value for the money. Obviously, you’ll buy a new and more advanced model sometime later. Yet, it’s better to get something reliable.

Finally, verify the response. This means that the controller needs to be not only comfortable to hold but to control, too. You don’t want to press a button and wait for an eternity to get a response. The best GameCube controllers have very sensitive buttons that let you enjoy gaming more and show better performance.

The pros and cons of Super Smash Bros. Edition GameCube Controller

Let’s take a look at the most popular option. This controller has numerous advantages. They include:

  • Excellent response,
  • High quality and durability,
  • Solid performance,
  • Convenient design,
  • Lightweight,
  • Sensitive control buttons, etc.

This model will serve you for years. The high-quality material will last you for years and won’t get scratched, cracked, etc. It has become a legend for a reason.

However, there are 2 drawbacks to this model, too. First of all, there is nothing on the other side. While it’s not a disadvantage completely, it can be confusing for some gamers who switch from modern high-tech models. Besides, there is only one bumper button – a ‘Z’. The other drawback is that you need to press deeply to activate triggers. This means that someone can win you by milliseconds just because it has faster triggers. As soon as you adjust to using it, the problem is likely to lose its value.

All in all, every GameCube controller is worth your attention. If you decide to invest in one, we advise you to pick the legendary model since it’s the best in most independent reviews. You also get a great value for the money since the model is beautifully designed and very durable.
