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Avast vs Norton – Which One to Choose?

Avast vs Norton, what is the better to protect carefully the user information? Both antivirus programs provide good protection of the user computer, personal data, and his financial information and control his moving only on the safety sites. But many users often ask which antivirus is better and which one to choose? So, we will study their different parameters and will let you know.

Security system

The Norton antivirus provides the users with real-time security from dangerous sites and viruses. The protection system has also a very significant advantage to protect the users private and financial data. The antivirus is provided with the smart firewall to take into consideration every user willing.

Speaking about Avast, it operates with a domestic security network and by the same protects the users from attacks and dangerous sites. Avast is very difficult to hack. Comparing both of them, the protection system of Avast is a little better than Norton because of the fact that Avast proposes more possibilities to protect the user information.

The system of scanning

The Avast antivirus is developed to work with the viral dangers at the moment of their occurrence. The Norton antivirus working is aimed to prevent hacking threats. In this category, Norton is the leader because it doesn’t allow threats to arise on the computer.

Firewall security

Both antivirus programs have reliable firewalls but the winner is Norton because it proposes a more advanced firewall and a dark web monitor.

User Interface comparison

After the studying of both programs, the Norton system is considered more modern and upgraded than Avast, so it is easier to use it.

Price comparison

Norton antivirus is cheaper than Avast and by the same, it offers more possibilities to the users. So, in this category, Norton is also the winner.

Free version

Avast antivirus proposes fewer options in its free version comparative with the Norton program. So, here Norton is also a leader.

Payment mode and money guarantee

Avast antivirus doesn’t guarantee any financial protection to the buyers but at the same Norton provides financial security.

Compare System Performance

The results of the study showed that both antivirus programs have an equal effect on system performance.

Bottom line

As you see, the detailed analysis to choose the better security program is led. Study them to know the advantages of every system and chose the appropriate one for you.
